Showing posts from 2022

How can solar panels be recycled?

The majority of the market share for solar panels is held by crystalline-silicon technology. This kind of panel is made of silicon solar cells, a plastic junction box, polymer layers, copper wire, glass, and a back-sheet. Althoug…

How to fix a portable generator with no power

What stops generators from producing electricity/voltage? The loss of residual magnetism is the main reason why portable generators don't produce power. Electrical conductors are moved through a magnetic field by generators. …

How to size wire and breakers?

For sizing wire and breaker, you need to divide the total watts by the voltage to get the amperage on the circuit. Depending on the ampacity of the breaker, each size of breaker requires a different wire size. As a result, you ca…

What is electrical circuit theory?

Electrical circuit theory is a branch of electrical engineering that deals with the study of electric circuits and the behavior of electrical components within those circuits. It involves the analysis and understanding of how ele…

How transistor works?

A transistor can act as a switch or an amplifier thanks to its unique architecture. This is done by twisting a valve to control a supply of water, or a little amount of electricity to control a gate on a much bigger supply of ele…

What is zener diode and how it works?

A semiconductor diode blocks current in the opposite direction, but will fail prematurely if the reverse voltage applied across the terminals becomes too high. However, Zener diodes or "breakdown diodes" as they are som…

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